Whether an epic tale which persists through eons
Or a dispute lasting a night;
Cards are the kindles,
for your narratives
Here we share ways
Templates, if you will,
to shape auguries
Yet we strongly encourage you
To come up with any of
the infinite possibilities
To play/debate/annihilate
The cards
D awn for a shaman
2-4 players + one or more spectators
At the brink of perishing, last remaining tribesmen are in despair. Morrow will reveal whether the tribe shall endure or not. Gathered by the fire for a last consensus, wisest of the last shamans are called forth. Fogging the night with the prophecies, under the poised eyes of the tribesmen, remaining shamans must keep a feathered tongue. Convincing auguries will maintain the prophecies. Comes dawn, only one shaman’s life shall be spared.
How to play
Depending on the number of players, regardless of the spectators,
deal these amount of cards from the shuffled deck by the spectators to each player;
2-3 players : 4 cards each
4 players : 3 cards each
First round:
Spectators put one card face down from the top of the deck. Ask the shamans(players) to try to reveal the current state of the tribe. Each player guesses a word relating to the state of the tribe.
Then the card is revealed and which shaman’s word is to be trusted is decided by the spectators, depending on the correspondence of the word to the revealed card. Thus, the first player is chosen.
According to the revealed card on the floor, first player chooses one card from their hand present it on the table. They expand the narrative (prophesy) though their selected card.
Contraclockwise rest of the players do the same and present their narrative though their chosen card from their own hand.
After all the players present their case, it is time for the spectators’ judgement.
The judgement:
After the players’ narratives are heard, the spectators have to decide anonymously on which shaman’s prophecy they will endorse. The most convincing tale wins this round. The winner receives an additional card from the deck by the spectators. At the end of the round, the winner’s card is put on top of the first revealed card (by the spectators) and becomes the base for the next round. Other players’ cards are discarded.
Following rounds:
The winner of the previous turn, starts this round first. Current state of the tribe is based upon the revealed card that was chosen previous round. First player presents a new card and expands the saga. Same process is repeated for subsequent players.
After all players tell their tales, a new judgement is consent by the spectators.
As the rounds go by, some players’ hand will diminish while others might flourish. The goal of the game is to endure till dawn. If a player loses all their cards, they are out of the game. This means that shaman was unable to convince the tribesmen (the spectators) enough with their auguries.
Ending the game:
End of maximum of 6 rounds for any particular game, the player with most cards in their hand wins the game. Rest of the shamans are sacrificed for the endurance of the tribe, and won’t be able to last till dawn.